Against Failure

Today i have a very good topic about FAILURE. One thing that most distinguishes between successful people do not is how they respond to failure.  
A great soul will be considered a failure as the spice of life and the process towards success. While a loser consider failure as a frightening specter that their despair and surrender.
Just ask successful people whether they had experienced failure? The answer must be never. Know how many failures they've ever experienced? The answer may be varied, but often we will hear that they have failed to tens or even hundreds of times before he finally succeeded. The difference is that they bounce back up and running again until finally met with success. And if all that success did not come, is not failure itself an enlightening learning process?

One day Thomas Edison was asked by his assistant when conducting an experiment to make the incandescent lamp, "You have to experiment a thousand times to find the right filament material. Are you not tired? Do not we have done this a thousand times and never succeeded?
Edison replied, "In each experiment, I always learn to find the most appropriate material for incandescent lamps. What do you think is a failure for me is a delayed success. I am sure in the near future I will find it. "
Edison's true and he became the inventor of incandescent lamp that we enjoy today. He teaches perseverance and unyielding spirit in carrying out their duties. Throughout his life, Edison has produced thousands of patents on his discoveries.
Do not ever give up for failure. It is a process that delayed success. Rise up again and be people with big hearts who do not care how many times they will fall, he will stand up and walk again.


It can not be denied, the interview is a very exciting moment, even frightening for some people. The reason, this session included that determines whether you are accepted to work or vice versa.
But, do not directly insecure and nervous. By following this strategy, you can look impressive when interviewed, so the interviewer can 'love' on your appearance and performance:
1. Mental Set In the face of stressful situations during the interview, you must be calm and relaxed. The goal, so you're not nervous, confused, can control what words come out of the mouth, and no data or information about yourself is forgotten. So, you mentally prepare for this session. Make sure when the name was called, you're ready 100%.
2. Consider your attitude and verbal skills The attitude and the way you speak reflect your personality and character. Then make a positive impression every time answering questions from the interviewer. Try to be polite and professional.
Also, speak clearly and confidently. Do not muffled your voice, but do not also speak with a high tone.

3. Prepare yourself of important data Accepted or not your job applications, also depending on track record and educational background and your experiences. Before the interview, make sure all the data needed, has been around on you. Create your interviewer was impressed, by answering all the question properly and correctly. Do not lie, because it would be fatal later on.

indonesian Text: 

Tak dapat dipungkiri, sesi wawancara merupakan momen sangat mendebarkan, bahkan menakutkan bagi sebagian orang. Pasalnya, sesi ini termasuk yang menentukan apakah Anda diterima bekerja atau sebaliknya.

Tapi, jangan langsung minder dan gugup. Dengan strategi berikut ini, Anda dapat tampil mengesankan saat diwawancara, sehingga pewawancara bisa 'jatuh cinta' pada penampilan dan peforma Anda:

1. Siapkan Mental
Dalam menghadapi situasi menegangkan saat wawancara, Anda harus bisa tenang dan relaks. Tujuannya, agar Anda tidak gugup, bingung, bisa mengontrol kalimat apa yang keluar dari mulut, dan tak ada data atau informasi tentang diri Anda yang terlupakan. Maka, siapkan mental Anda untuk sesi ini. Pastikan ketika nama dipanggil, Anda sudah siap 100%.

2. Perhatikan sikap dan kemampuan verbal Anda
Sikap dan cara bicara Anda mencerminkan karakter dan kepribadian Anda. Maka buatlah kesan positif setiap kali menjawab pertanyaan dari pewawancara. Usahakan bersikap sopan dan profesional.

Selain itu, bicaralah dengan jelas dan mantap. Jangan redam suara Anda, namun jangan pula berbicara dengan nada tinggi.

3. Siapkan data penting diri
Diterima tidaknya lamaran pekerjaan Anda, juga tergantung pada track record dan latar belakang pendidikan serta pengalaman Anda. Sebelum wawancara, pastikan semua data yang dibutuhkan, telah ada pada Anda. Buat pewawancara Anda terkesan, dengan menjawab semua yang ditanyakan dengan baik dan benar. Jangan berdusta, karena akan berakibat fatal di belakang hari.

The Challenge of Change

What motivates people to change? Why is it that some people make dramatic progress in a short period of time while others never reach the point of Change?

  1. The Pain; When the pain of “staying the same” outweighs the “pain of change” things will start to happen.This is a vain hope - the hope of the self deceived-that it’ll all work out OK, and I won’t have to go against myself and my feelings or put some effort into it. “How much will you have to suffer before you get serious about getting help?” “When desperation exceeds our fears, progress begins.”  
  2. Hope; that I can become my dream for myself, and that I can reach the ideal of myself which is my desire.
  3. How to - Insight; with truth-coaches, new insights, training and effectual and relevant understandings, not previously grasped or understood.
  4. Love; that somebody who is significant to me – whom I want to please – isn’t pleased, but that it is within my power to please them. It may be a counsellor, coach, spouse or employer. It may be someone who has the courage, the conviction and the compassion to get ‘in my face’ and persuade me to change course.
Insanity is “continuing to do what I have always done and expecting different results”. The greatest struggle we will always have is with ourselves – with our thoughts and feelings.
Questions to check where you are:
  • What is stopping you from changing?
  • How much will you have to suffer before you get serious about getting help?
  • What is the thought or feeling that continually persuades you to stay the way you are?
  • What deep persuasion would you need to effect true change?
  • What or who is in charge of your life, are you in charge or are you enslaved to someone or something?
  • Are you fully persuaded that you can change? – Believing that you can change is a big step towards making it a reality.

Developing unshakable self confidence

be positif be self confidence
One Strength of people to get success in our life is self confidence. Whether it is going for a dream role, becoming an inspirational leader or simply going for your dreams – confidence is the key to making it happen. Some insights for you to consider:
  1. Know who you are – fully understand you are uniquely and wonderfully made. There has never been and will never be anyone like you – with the individual strengths that you have at your disposal.
  2. Know what you want – through goal setting. Goals are the rudder on the ship of life that ensure that we remain on track while experiencing the inevitable changes of life.
  3. Know what you value – the why’s of life. If there is a great enough why, the how will take care of itself. Take time to reflect on your top 5 values that mean the most to you. How are these being expressed in your life?
  4. Take personal responsibility for your success - Maturity is realising that no one else will be coming to the rescue. Make the commitment to do what it takes to get the results you desire out of life. No excuses
  5. Break things down to the ridiculous. Eat your elephant (big goals) with a lot of small bites.
  6. Let go of FEAR. FEAR is an acronymn False Evidence Appearing Real. Let go of your hang-ups and trust that it will all work out. If you can’t do this – speak to someone who may be able to help.